Sunday 8 February 2009

Things to Consider

Being in your twenties is supposed to be a time of adventures and risk taking which is more or less what I was looking for when embarking upon this most recent journey to the DR.  However, in every leap we take there are some things that we should consider... Unfortunately it is the most important of these "things to consider" that we usually don't find out until after. While we can do our best to research establishments online, websites are informative but let's just say they can be deceiving at best. 

Something I wish I could have considered prior to committing myself to a year teaching at the Ashton School of Santo Domingo, is the school song.  Many schools, almost all schools probably have a school song or an anthem that is pulled out at various sporting events, spirit week or homecoming to unite the masses.  The Ashton School has a school song... however it is lacking in sports teams, spirit weeks and homecoming.  In no way does this mean that the song is not utilized fully.  

Once a week all of the students are lined up by grade in the court. Here they "joyously" unite their voices to sing homage to the institute which enlightens them daily. During this weekly event teachers patrol the ranks like generals in a military post with the intention of scaring the children into making their voices auditory, standing straight and meeting the uniform expectations.  All of this under the threat of having to assemble again before lunch if it is not sung correctly in the morning.  Ahhh.... the things we learn after the fact. And now I share with you the lyrics of, The Ashton Anthem. 

"Ashton school to you we give our love and praise, 
Through our lives we always cherish our school days
Swift the care free hours are flying, 
But our memories are never dying, 
We will always love you dear Ashton School. 

Ashton School to you we pledge our loyalty, 
Our praise's that you always stand here years to be. 
Though someday from you we're going 
All the pride for you we're showing
Onward, upward, ever forward Ashton School."

*Sung to a Disney like melody.

 At this time my roommates and I engage in outbursts of music often containing the lines of this song.  For us it has proven to be an avenue of amusement.  Lines of the song are picked out and sung to rally members of the household who have at some point begun to take this situation too seriously... which is at no point healthy or acceptable! 

So I will leave off with that for now but there are many other "things" on the list to be "considered".
Love Bren

Tuesday 3 February 2009

Six months on standby is this American Airlines???

So it has been a long time since I "blogged" about teaching in the DR... it is just life these days.  A quick fast forward through fall: Eric visited and we tripped to Jarabacoa (the mountains) and Bani (the beach), Marlee visited and we tripped to Playa Bonita (northern beach) and Jarabacoa (a favorite of mine).  Alejandra, a girl from Madrid adrift in Santo Domingo and a fabulous girl moved in with Alissa and I! We call ourselves the Powerpuff Girls (only on certain occasions).  We battle The Ashton School on a daily basis.  

I saw most of my family on Thanksgiving through Skype and it was great. My sweet little niece was confused by the computer but I loved every second of it. Here in the DR we shared Thanksgiving dinner with each other, a few close friends and Eric (via Skype)!  After that I think I became an even more serious work-a-holic if that is possible and just nose dived into it.  Alejandra, Alissa and I took a few trips to the tourist market to buy presents and then I was off... a day early and not a dollar shorter... than planned. 


Home was home and I finally felt like me again... just in time to come back to the DR. 

Luckily this time I was blessed with the most easy going loveable travel companion, Eric! He moved down here and now there are four of us in the apartment. The "powerpuff girls" is no longer too appropriate so we have changed our symbol to be representations of each of the elements under Captain Planet... 

The school situation is constantly on rocks which is difficult as it is my first year teaching outright and my first year in each of these subjects specific.  I am a little troubled to say the least by the amount of administrative work that I am expected to perform amid myriad teaching responsibilities all within the normal school day.  I am so incredibly lucky to have the support of my three wonderful roommates.  I am making us all "TAS surivors 08-09" t-shirts before the year is up.  

Last weekend the roommates, Cristabel, Jared and Poli all traveled to beautiful Cabarete for a weekend of relaxation on the beach.  If anyone is a kitesurfer you should be sure to check out this locale. 

Writing about things of past months is not quite as flavorful as I would like so I will exit now with a promise for more frequent and humorous updates.  

With Love